Thursday, August 08, 2002

Just been to town.....

Would like to meet (see post below) may have been wrong in some things but in others it was quite right.

It showed Tracey showing Richard how to cruise (not for sex just flirty cruising...). I asked myself when I last did that. Do you know it was the last day I saw Melly alive and I spent that day going around Brighton and catching a guys eyes ("hold for 3 seconds, then break then turn to follow them as they walk away, they will turn to you, you both smile....") and having a nice time, and then I made mum buy some interesting things... a woven silver handbag/basket any one? :o)

So today I took Traceys advice and bounded into town with confidence and cruised two blokes!! I had such a nice time... just going to the bank.... and I smiled in public for like the first time in ages.... it was so nice and made me remember... Folkestone isn't that bad a place to live.... and then I wandered home nd people said good morning to me.. can't remember such a pleasant day.

And I found like 2 more gay guys living in Folkestone who I have never met before!! That like increases the population to 8 (exaggeration!! There is at least 9 :o) )

Oh and give me your thoughts on my new design. I am not sure about it. Anyone having trouble viewing it?

OK your chance to give me some feedback on my site.... go and (truthfully) review my site here:

Rate Me on Eatonweb Portal

so so

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