Wednesday, April 03, 2002

On Kilroy This Morning: How not to fix a toilet.

In Faulty Towers today, firstly our semi-permanent guests list has risen to record levels. Mr. Brennan and Mr. Holt have been joined by thirteen police man, immigration officials and one police woman. They will all be here for about six months spread over a year long period!!

Me, Besh and a random hunky plumber snuck into Mr. Holt’s room to fix a toilet which was causing the Games Room to flood! He was still asleep and I thought everything went swimmingly till he just came down and said “You enjoy sneaking into guests rooms when you think they are asleep.” He was quite understanding when I explained though, we get on quite well.

Then me and Besh had to transport 9 tables and 27 chairs from the loft at the top of the hotel to the lowest floor. Which lead to me and him giving the hotel a very manly aroma of BO and sweat. To top it off I have gotten a phone call from the Kilroy television show asking whether I won’t to go on Friday and be part of a debate. They are faxing me the details.

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