Tuesday, September 03, 2002

Comments are working so say hi!!!

I have decided that I need a sugar daddy. Well it all started today. There I was eating my lunch with ben and German Steph, and Steph asked Ben how he could afford all this stuff he eats (he eats loads!!). He brought out a bank card. "This card is in my name. But all the money on it is my boyfriends, which he allows me to spend as I wish." Plus Ben's boyfriend is a rugby player and owns several businesses. Here is a picture that I think shows my jealousy...

I want one. I want one right now!! Not in a minute. NOW!! :o) I am not shallow, much!

We have sold the house. Which was nice.

Nose still hurts after Saturdays shenaigans. Had many comments on haircut, all good. Geoff seemed particularly taken with it.

Alisha's Attic "Push It All Aside"

We have got to stop fighting
We have got to learn to get along
We have got to know for a relationship in heaven
We've got to tame the devils on our tongues

Oh it gets harder every time, we both cross the invivible line
It feels like we're on two different planets
We're broken who's gonna fix us, and put us back together again

So let's push it all aside
Take a swallow of pride
And realise
That nothing could be sweeter than loving each other
If we forget who was wrong and who's right

Yeah let's push it all aside
take a swallow of pride
and realise
that nothing could be sweeter than loving each other
if we forget who was wrong and who's right

We have got to stop fighting
And put our ammunition to one side
We have got ot understand exploding
isn't ever gonna close the gap between us
it's too wide

Oh it gets harder every day
We spit back at each other and say
It feels like we're on two different planets
But when all the damage is done
It's too late to be sorry

So let's push it all aside
Take a swallow of pride
And realise
That nothing could be sweeter than loving each other
If we forget who was wrong and who's right

So lets get some understanding
Just take a deep big breath and say
You can forget all the words I said
Keep them far away
Cos they don't mean what I meant
Now they're gone anyway

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