Sunday, June 08, 2008

Please explain...

Ignoring what this Reverend is saying, which is pretty stupid (I'm sure the many charities and local Governments would be shocked to hear that the Church of England is the main source of welfare in this country), what on Earth is she wearing?

A dog collar with an open, bare neck?? Surely this defeats the point? She looks like some sort of porn star in a terribly bad porn movie. I have never been to church so maybe this is how it's always been, but I can't help thinking it's not exactly becoming of a Reverend.

Anyway... the reason for the interview is this story, in which the Church of England cries out to be listened to. "Muslims have special rights etc. etc.".

Well here's what I say... the Government should not pander to religion. It's time to disestablish the Church of England and free them to do what they do best (answers on a postcard...). And then the Government can also stop listening to unelected Muslim "leaders" and start treating people as individuals rather than "groups".

Personally I think that's a fair thing to do.

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