The first Eurovision post was a relatively small affair. By the next year it did become a little more coherent.
2004 and 2005 remain unrecorded, due to my year off and my May 2005 move from Folkestone to London interfering. By 2006 things had evolved to point where I was live blogging the show (and even the new-fangled Semi Final). 2007 was the year when things started to get a little out of hand with live blogs of the semi final and the final followed by... analysis!
2008. Eurovision only went and put in TWO semi-finals. So we had both live blog (here and here), plus the final, results analysis and the commentary (where I actually went and called for Terry Wogan to stand down)
2009 toned it down slightly with the semi finals (here and here), the final and some commentary.
2010... I was moving on Eurovision day and watched it later... so no live blog. What a Jae fail! This year I shall do better....
If you feel benevolent and particularly generous, this writer always appreciates things bought for him from his wishlist
It's good to have you back blogging.