Thursday, April 12, 2007

Ask Jae

Want to ask me a question? Want to know something about me? Want to put my knowledge to the test? Now is your chance... comment, comment, comment!


  1. Anonymous7:34 pm

    1. Have you always been a Lib-Dem and can you ever see yourself changing?

    2. I guess one advantage of being big is that people are sacred to confront you in an argument so you win. What would you say is the most annoying thing about being big?

  2. 1. Well I was brought up Tory, my Grandad was a Tory councillor. In 1997 I was deeply annoyed that Blair one. But I quickly realised that the only thing I liked about the Tories was their Unionist policies and I didn't really think they took them seriously enough. I went through some stages after that (Communism, Labour, the Greens) before settling on the Lib Dems. With the Lib Dems I've become a Libertarian. So I might change but only if a new party is formed with more Libertarian policies.

    2) I never have arguments. i) because I'm not the kind to start them and ii) people know if they did start one I would break them in half for having the audacity to break my strict rules with regards to public decorum. And some straight guys realise I might not break in the way they were expecting ;) You can see it in their eyes.

    Most annoying thing? Hmm... the really annoying thing is the way people think that because I'm different they have a right to annoy me in public. Again... I have strict rules on public decorum. I truly learnt how disgusting humanity was just by the sheer amount of people who think it's acceptable behaviour to stop me on my way to the shop to helpfully point out how tall I am.

    gee.. cheers guys!

    I am drunk so ignore all of above!
