Monday, January 29, 2007

One Law For All!

As a libertarian I'd rather not have laws that protect individual groups of people. However as there is a ban on discrimination against women, ethnic minorities and the religious I feel it only fair (if not ideal) for us moxs to get the same treatment. So may I just say... in your face! No exemptions on the grounds of faith against the Equality Act!

Fundamentalists may cry about their "rights" but I didn't hear them shouting much in defense of the rights of others to discriminate against people on the basis of religion so as such I don't see why they should have the right to discriminate on the grounds of sexuality.

Had a horrid day at work, needed the picture above to cheer me up!

Technorati Tags: Gay


  1. Anonymous5:29 am

    Don't know if that picture cheered you up, but it worked wonders on me! Thanks for posting it.

    Surfed in thru BlogMad.

  2. A lot of people made a stink a couple years ago when one of our MPs over here proposed amending the hate speech laws to protect people from hate speech on the basis of sexual orientation. Idiotically, they tried arguing that the amendment would make the Bible a form of hate speech. But it doesn't the law is very specific about what constitutes hate speech (the problem, of course, is proving in court whether it is "willful.") People just automatically get their backs up whenever religion might be involved. (The amendment, by the way, did pass.)
