Wednesday, January 03, 2018

How Not Giving A Damn Really Can Cheer You Up

When I was a kid I stood on the playground at school one day watching my friends play football. My teacher came up to me and said "You are looking thoughtful there Jason, what are you thinking?" And I responded with the remarkably cynical "What exactly is the point of football?" My teacher, being also the boy's football coach, just laughed. But that came to mind again recently when someone on Second Life, yes an actual SL player, asked in a group for a particular brand of male body "Why does anyone want a penis on Second Life, there's no point it's not real!" (we weren't actually talking about penises at the time but hey-ho...)

Let's just take a look at that statement right there... someone on a virtual sim (who likely buys virtual clothes and does virtual stuff) thinks that being virtually anatomically correct is pointless? Well I had to take that up. I went for the biggy though, the absurdist argument, of pointing out that eventually the universe will end and thus everything that has ever been done by anyone, no matter how "important", will be rendered completely pointless. I never did get a response to that.

Why am I talking about this? Because of the constant outrage online. Over anything. No matter how pointlessly stupid. Like a churning barrel of water, the tide of outrage surges one way and then the other. Yet it is all so pointless. I've been known to engage in it too, don't think I'm innocent in anyway. My minirants can often be not so mini.

Now, however, I feel quite disconnected from it. I watched the outrage over Logan Paul and felt really pretty cold. Though his arms soon warmed me up.
And I feel happier for it. Not worrying about what other people say (like our penis-less friend above) is so relaxing. It really is quite good. I took a social media break last year and that made me feel pretty damn happy but this whole "nothing really matters" approach is working out even better after just a couple of days.

Of course stuff does matter, biologically and culturally humans have to care about stuff as that is how we're made, but not worrying and not considering my views to be important enough to share anywhere but with you, Dear Constant Reader,  is the way forward I think.

Now back to Second Life... I've got a scavenger hunt to complete (I'm wearing clothes so my penis isn't attached, you'll be pleased to know...)

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