I got the job at TVW, my old place of work, returning to being just an ordinary man on the phones. Which I don't mind. However two weeks in I am becoming increasingly depressed at the slowness of training, yes training, for a job I've already done and remember very well. And the way people are treating me like an idiot is intense. There was some light relief when I was asked if I knew the guy I was about to sit with to listen to his calls, and the guy turns around and says "Jason trained me when I first started here". It's nearly over and soon I shall be released to actually work, and, bizarrely, I can't wait!
It's going to be a tough Christmas money wise as, for the first time, I will be taking on responsibility for a few household bills. This is more than welcome as it has already forced me to budget, and think about my finances. As you know Jae, budgets and financial responsibility are age old enemies, but I hope we can final come to some sort of settlement.
And in that vein, I (and I think Jim) have embarked upon a "future plan" for a dream holiday to Singapore, Tokyo and/or some other place in Asia. It'll involved much saving of money which I trust will further focus my mind on my finances.
In May we started a new life for ourselves here in Folkestone. This coming year I hope to begin settling the debts of the old one (my overdraft has been the same for 10 years [thanks university!]). I think it's time to sort that out!
Anyway, here's to new adventures!
If you feel benevolent and particularly generous, this writer always appreciates things bought for him from his wishlist