Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Best Of The Blogs: Today

Ignoring comparisons with a British TV Series I'm looking forward to "All Creatures Great And Small"

I love hypocrites!!!

Oh noes!!!!!!!! This is so funny your jaw will break.

Jae has found husband number 523. Jae believes polygamy is not such a bad thing...


  1. Regarding multiple spouses (from Wiki):

    William Cosmo Monkhouse wrote this about a man from the town of Lyme in Dorset, England.

    There was an old fellow of Lyme
    Who lived with three wives at one time.
    When asked, 'Why the third?'
    He replied, 'One’s absurd,
    and bigamy, sir, is a crime.'

  2. You know that little ditty rings a bell! Very good find Ken, love it!
