Friday, December 28, 2007

The Down Side

I think sometime in September I reached the pinnacle of my success at work. Since then I've been on a slow decline. I'm still the Oracle (I do have double the experience than the next person down in the department). I'm still the person people ask for help. But the spark has gone, and yes there was once a spark. I just can't take it anymore... the customers are not just stupid, they are now so stupid it defies description. The same mistakes keep getting made and no one pays any attention to me when I rally against them because my moaning is now considered background noise.

The more I read about the subjects I do enjoy the more I wish I was able to actually get off my arse and seek out a job I'd like.

Good news is: Mum has said she'll bankroll any course I want to do.

Bad news is: my mother has a lot of "good intentions" that never become reality.

We'll see.

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