Tuesday, December 11, 2007


So I've finished reading Three Men Seeking Monsters which is actually a really good book. The theory it proposed, that many cryptids are in fact one and the same type of creature who use their forms to terrify and dazzle in order to feed off of human emotions, may seem outlandish but it also mentions that many cryptids are dark in form and have bright red eyes... which is almost an exact description of my Shadowman.

You never know, they might be on to something there! Although their asseration that the American bigfoot might be an emotion sucking vampire is a little off as we actually have bigfoots DNA (yeah, bet you never knew that did you! Watch the Sasquatch episode of Monster Quest) which shows it to be a creature who's DNA is only slightly different to our own. But I think the British "ape man" sightings they reported sound more like Shadowman sightings (black forms with red eyes) than a bigfoot so I can forgive them this minor point.

But anyway it was an enjoyable read even if you don't care a jot about their ideas.

I'm now on to reading Temeraire. I'm only about half the way through it and I'm already in love with the thing. It's an amazing book, extremely well written and paced. It's kind of an alternative history fantasy novel based on the premise that dragons were real and could be tamed by humans. It's set during a very different Napoleonic War.

Marvellous. I want my own dragon and I want it NOW!

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