Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Jae McFatty Fat Fat


I just looked in a mirror while topless (calm down at the back!) . I have never been this fat. NEVER! Now normally I find people who obsess over their weight annoying, but hey it's me doing it now so it's ok. ;op

SOOOOOO... from tomorrow... I WILL walk to work from Waterloo station every day... and walk back again every evening. Maybe even go from Charing Cross. Yeah... Charing Cross. That'll do it. I miss walking, and I think I need to take it up again.

No more: cooked lunchs at work (take a sandwich or a salad!). No pain au chocolate for breakfast. NO PANCAKES ALA JIM. No chocolate fall stop. No takeaways. NO ALCOHOL (except for tomorrow night as goodbye drinks to drinking). Harsh but should be effective.

NO DIET COKE AT WORK. Now sure work may need to reconsider their current water arrangements should I switch... I can get through 2 - 3 litres of water in a working day.

Wish me luck... one svelte Jae coming up... after we've all oogled Ryan Carnes!


  1. Now I'm not the kind of person to say I told you so but.........

    "I TOLD YOU SO !!!!!"

    Lay off the pancakes fat boy and then show us the topless shots !!



  2. Anonymous10:40 am

    Good luck Jae!

  3. well you need something to get hold of when the action gets abit intense... don't wanna break like a wish bone.
