Monday, September 04, 2006

Jae Agrees With The British National Party

I am aghast. There I was reading my normal Google News when I stumbled across a story about Stephen Green, homophobic prat that he is, being arrested for distributing leaflets. I felt affronted that such an illiberal action had been taken out in defense of the LGBT community, of which I consider myself a part.

Then I read this homophobic tirade from the BNP. And I actually agreed with them. I feel bad to agree with the BNP. Really bad. Disgusted. But honestly... the gay community knows what it is like to be oppressed, knows what it's like to be hated and hunted by the police. We must not allow ourselves, with our increasing freedoms, to become the oppressor or at least the oppressors queeny sidekick.

I'm all for aggressive, violent homophobes being arrested and locked up. Violence is not something anybody should have to put up with. But as long as Mr Green was conducting himself in a polite, unobstructive way what right do we have to shut him up?

I'm not Christianity's biggest fan (I mean their most likeable member was Jesus and he was Jewish anyway [and died nearly 2000 years ago, 2000 years and no ones come close to being that nice]) but nevertheless their right to free speech (even if it does upset me) is sacrosanct (as is my own, HOMOPHOBIC TWATS WILL GO TO HELL!).

Come on Queers of the world... we're supposed to be the enlightened ones fighting for freedom and justice. And with this Government in power we've got a lot of fighting to do.

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