Thursday, December 01, 2005

Hell Is Other People

Jean-Paul Sartre showed his genius in just those four words. I admit I'd hate to be alone somewhere without any human contact. But some of the people who I encounter when I leave the safe confines of home are truely terrifying. The gormless ones, the loudmouthed ones, the rude ones, and the real life challenged people ("Yes these are escalators. You must start to walk by the time you reach the bottom. Oh darn, failed again, maybe tomorrow huh?").

I'm not saying I'm perfect. But I at least don't walk round a train station pretending I'm the only person in the world and thinking my luggage somehow has the right to be throw in five different directions all at once just to frustrate those attempting to get past me.

And I'm the one who gets funny looks from the strange people who jam themselves on to a crowded train while I stay on the platform because there's a perfectly empty one following in the next two minutes. That's called understanding basic math. This train is filled with people who have reached their embarcation points within twenty minutes before departure. The next will be filled with people who reach their embarcation points within two minutes before departure. Hence the second train should have 10 times less people on it. Ok so we have to take into account most people will be aiming for certain timed trains so it's probably more like only 10% less, but it's nice to have room to breath anyway... Considering how empty the second train is I must be slightly more intelligent than most of those on the first train... Which worries me as it's a very crowded train... ;o)

Brain dump over... Lochgoilhead photo of the day ahead.


  1. Reminds me of Lake Crystal in Fri the 13th for some reason?


  2. Soooo true! Right next to a giant loch... perfect for filming Jason XI!
