Friday, December 16, 2005

Ok So I Said I Wouldn't Moan

But I lied. Everyone I've met or interacted with today has been TRUELY MISERABLE. Went to a pub called Wyvils for lunch and the waitress was the most sarcastic and rude person I've met this year. Glad we don't have a tipping culture,  as it saves the embarassment of leaving NOTHING!
And my mother in law is about to arrive. EEK!!!!!!!  
Thanks everyone for your messages of support and goodwill on my last post. Love you all too.


  1. licks babe.. hope u feeling better :)

  2. Anonymous6:45 pm

    Sorry the hear Friday was miserable and Wednesday was grim. And sad for you with the loss of Grand Dad. So go have a double Black Russian -- the drink, Jae, the drink.

  3. After a double black Russian I'd be feeling a lot better... mmm...
