Friday, October 28, 2005

What's Gaying On?

After listening to Marshall on Gayborhood Radio cry because some bastards broke into his car, quite probably because he had a Gayborhood Radio sticker in his window, I thought it was time to check out what's happening in Gay World.

Our new vows have been released ready for Decembers onslaught of awfully over the top homo "weddings" (gals it ain't a wedding until we are totally equal with the breeders) proving once and for all; gay people are just as dull as straight people. Hurrah! And hey look Northern Ireland, famous for it's hospitality ("we don't like the blacks, the whites, the gays, the Catholics, the Protestants, the British, the Irish... and we really don't like the police"), takes the modern world in it's stride. "You can't get married here" YAY! Look I'm agreeing with a Sinn Fein councillor. The world has gone mad...

Sulu comes out. Maybe now those slash stories can stop focussing on Kirk and Spock! Yay for George!

In not so shocking news most actors in Czech gay porn are straight. Well that's fairly obvious... why do you think we like them so? Straight men like to watch women having sex with each other. We like to watch straight men having sex with each other.

Least theres no executions to report today huh?

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