Sunday, October 16, 2005

Homecoming Queen

Headed to Westenhanger yesterday with Jim to see the family. They have a new cat called Tinkerbell who is way too soppy. I liberated my CD collection from the room formerly known as my room (now David's room, yes Uncle David, he who was married not two months ago has sought asylum at Folks Wood Way).

Went to Kalala for dinner with Mum, Tony, Beth and George, David and his three daughters Rachel, Margaret and Alice plus Rachel's boyfriend Tian, and Zoe, Ray and John. After dinner headed to Chambers with the latter three and Jim and met up with Laura for drinks and chat. Cool!

Jae's brief return to Folkestone gets 14 people to a dinner. Never knew I was popular!

John, Zoe and Ray, thanks for coming to see me guys!

The service was very fast, amazing Tony and Mum.

Aren't they cute???

Unlike George, my brother.

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Laura! One of the original hardc0re 3!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:34 pm

    Hi Jae sorry i couldnt make it at the weekend I had to visit my grandma who i hadnt seen since my grandad died, hope to see you soon
