Monday, January 07, 2008

Where Next?

Jim and I have been wondering where to take our holiday this year and I was wondering if you, Dear Constant Reader, had any ideas?

We don't want to go too far afield and our current ideas include Iceland, Germany and Greece... anyone got any input on those destinations?

And on a related matter I've created a map of everywhere I can remember having been! Wooooo...


  1. sigh, so I suppose that means Vancouver is considered too far afield, eh?

    But Iceland!! Seriously, it's on my List of Places I Must Visit Before I Die. Higher up than Greece even. I have no stories or input, but will gladly live vicariously through you and Jim if you guys go there :)

  2. Vancouver is on my "Must Visit" list as I've got family there and I've always wanted to visit British Columbia. All in good time!

  3. Anonymous10:44 am

    Based on your criteria, it has to be Austria or Hungary. Both are fantastic! Austria's Vienna is beautiful and if you enjoyed Prague you'll love Hungary even more.

    Both are also very cheap (we did both for about £200 each all in).
