Wednesday, January 02, 2008

The Blame Game

Homosexuals what are we good for? Absolutely everything if you're trying to pass the blame on just about any subject under the Sun.

Hitler and the German Nazi Regime (and by extension the Holocaust) were OF COURSE a homosexual conspiracy. Well that's all according to the Pink Swastika (See also here). Of course we had to kill a few thousand other homosexuals, and imprison 50,000 more (not counting the castrated and abused) to meet our objectives. Or not. All kinds of flippant disregard for the Nazi abuse of homosexuals (and the fact that this abuse was NOT acknowledged after the war unlike most other affected groups) is common with people sneering at "the small numbers killed" or suggesting Hitler himself was gay.

Imagine saying the Jews were responsible for the Holocaust, or that the Nazi party was run by Jews. You'd rightly be condemned but suggest it was homosexuals and you're fine.

It is amazing that even here in the 21st Century, homosexuals are still very much second class citizens of our various nations. To suggest that homosexuals are some kind of "conspiring" group set on ruining the lives of the "innocent" heterosexuals through means such as taking over Germany and turning it into a fascist state are not just crazy... they are deeply insulting.

Of course it's mainly the misguided Christians (i.e. those who skimmed over the Gospels and only read the bloody bits of the Bible) who promote this hate. How very Christian of them. Maybe they could take a leaf out of a real Christians book like Maximilian Kolbe

If you want to find out what actually happened to homosexual men (although I'd say the whole GLBT community was pretty much affected!) I suggest you start with the sources on Wikipedias page

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what a silly story that is. Don't people have other things to do then make up new history stories?
