Thursday, November 01, 2007

Corner Shop Conversation

Shopkeeper: "You must be 7'5" "

Jae: "Errr... nope, just 6'10" "

Shopkeeper: "Oh no, you can't be. I'm 6'7" and you nearly a foot taller than me".

Jae: (looks at shopkeeper who, despite standing on a step is still at least a foot shorter than Jae) You think you are 6'7"??????"

Shopkeeper: "Yeah... so you have gotta be 7'5" "

Jae: (backing away slowly) "Sure... yeah... whatever... byyyyyyeeee"


  1. Anonymous1:47 pm


    But according to your profileon the righthand side, you are 6'8"! Now I am confused as well! ;)

    Actually, I already was, because I never got the whole foot thing... Meters are so much easier... :)

  2. Well, I'll be honest... the nurse and I at my last physical guessed my height as she couldn't reach the ruler. So we don't really know.

    And I too am more comfortable with metres... I think my height is about 2.03m
