Sunday, June 24, 2007

The Sound Of Drums: Doctor Who 3.12

Another exciting episode, making the last half of the season twenty million times better than the first half.

The Master is, no shock here, Mister Saxon and Mister Saxon is the Prime Minister (of "Great Britain"; Jae is not amused, he is PM of the UNITED KINGDOM. RTD either explain or get it right!). Upon election (after support from Ann Widdecombe, trust her to choose to support a mad man!) he promptly kills off his colleagues, announces first contact with a new alien race the "Toclafane" and infuriates the American President.

The Doctor, Martha and Captain Jack are defenseless to stop his plans, yet unknown, but avoid falling into his trap; Martha's family (due to the idiotic actions of her mother) fall in the Masters clutches instead.

Aboard a U.N.I.T. craft the President of America greets the Toclafane and is promptly dispatched as Mister Saxon reveals himself as the Master to the world and frees 6 billion Toclafane through a rift from parts unknown. He ages the Doctor to an old man, "kills" Jack (temporarily of course!) and forces Martha to flee.

Martha teleports away with the words: "I'm Coming Back!"

Ooo... now I know who the Toclafane are (god darn my nosey self!) but I won't tell (and that way if my sources are wrong I won't look foolish!). But who is Martha going to come back with?? And will the Doctor ever be the same again?

John Simm makes a truly excellent Master, with just the right amount of Time Lord zaniness.

Technorati Tags: Doctor Who

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