Saturday, June 02, 2007

Jae Has A New Phone!

Yes... after 3 years of having the same phone and 4 years of the same SIM I have finally taken the plunge and got myself a new phone, and a contract! 15 quid a month with 3

Why 3? Because no one else would have me!

I've got a Sony Ericsson K610i, and I love it. It plays music, takes pictures, BLOGS, and does video chat.

So expect some moblogging, with pictures on location! ;)

Should I encounter Marco Dapper, for instance, you'll be the first to know...

Technorati Tags: Gay


  1. Anonymous10:14 pm

    Congrats with the new phone. Are you going to use UMTS as well?

    And do let us know when you encounter Marco! We want more than a pic, only a video will do.

  2. Trust me, a video would be the least you'd get!

    I had to look up what UMTS meant (you learn something new every day!) but yes, I will be using that indeed!
