Sunday, June 17, 2007

Sicko: It Even Made Me Stop And Think!

Disclosure: I Like Michael Moore

As a libertarian I think the Government should keep its nose out of peoples business. However I also know that, like all beliefs, libertarianism has its limits. Personally health care is one place that libertarianism has no place. Why? Well if my neighbour gets sick with a disease I want to know that they are taken care of quickly and well because 1) I'm not a cruel bastard and 2) I don't want to catch whatever they've got. I don't want to have to worry that they might not be able to sort it out themselves and thus their problem would become my problem (be that through charitable human sympathy or through catching the bubonic plague).

Although Michael Moore's movie painted a rather too perfect picture of the NHS, it did at least remind us that we have it way better than the Americans. Could you imagine people being thrown out of hospital, while sick, for not having enough money???? Just thrown out! Children dying because they were "at the wrong hospital", i.e. one that wouldn't treat them at all. What kind of country is that? What kind of doctors live there, that would allow patients to go untreated????

It was amazing to see Americans in Cuba crying and sobbing because they couldn't quite believe that things could be "free" (we all know how they are paid for but, trust me Dear American Constant Reader, you sure feel like they are free when you need to go to a hospital in a panic!).

Imagine having to sell your house just because you needed to pay THE HOSPITAL! Sheesh...

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