Thursday, June 21, 2007

Section 28

Today marks 7 years since the abolition of Section 28. It's amazing how much this country has changed for us homosexuals in those 7 years. I'm not old but even I remember how different things were back then compared to now.

What is worrying as people my age are the last ones to remember the discrimination that was once rife. I remember talking to Ben a couple of years back and he didn't even know what Section 28 was and I just thought how weird that was. Now I realise that a lot of gay guys that I meet are like that. They don't even realise the age of consent used to be 18 (let's not even start on 21)!

Sometimes the church and the American media portray homosexuals as a militant, politicised group. If they knew the truth, and knew how out of protest practice some of us are, they'd be able to overturn pretty much all our protections in a couple of weeks!

It's weird that I pine for some substantial opposition. Maybe I'm just in the mood to bash some bigots.

Technorati Tags: Gay

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