Thursday, September 10, 2009

Equal Opportunities To Be Weird

Today I had a rather interesting session of Equal Opportunities and Diversity training, where I managed to destroy some poor soul's idea that it was better if we all just became like each other in "one England" rather than allow all the different "foreign" cultures in "England" to thrive. I pointed out that we, and all countries on this planet, will always be multicultural... and always will be. A small round of applause followed by robust defence of the United Kingdom and our native multiculturalism (Cornish, Welsh, Scottish, Yorkshireman etc.). Very pleasant. Plus defended my rights to marriage against the same poor soul's suggestion we had gone all the way we could towards equal rights in the country.

However some guy spent the entire time drawing a picture of me, which unnerved me somewhat. I would have thought it would have been more polite to ask before one begins to draw a portrait of a colleague. Natalie, who was with me, was equally disturbed by it.

Oh well, never thought I'd enjoy an Equal Ops session!

Jim's Mum is down tomorrow for the weekend, which means it'll probably be a good one :D

This blogger works for nothing but the joy of writing but always appreciates things bought from his wishlist

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