Another late night session in the local last night where Jim and I were corralled into doing the monthly music quiz. Whilst we are occasional dabblers in the normal quiz, as The Tailenders, we have avoided the music quiz like the plague since the first and only time we did it. That time there were questions like "Listen to this song" *plays 1950s obscure song* "What was the B side?"
But this time Denis was doing it so it was hard but not impossible (unlike that quiz I did...) and with a little help from a random stranger called Richard our new "team" Slash and Burn didn't come last! Quite an achievement given our terrible quiz history ;)
So the news from the Eastern front (i.e. home) is not good. The break down of the marriage has not gone at all well and the usual family drama is playing out in the ever so predictable fashion. Money, power and jilted spouses do not a pretty divorce make.
This blogger works for nothing but the joy of writing but always appreciates things bought from his wishlist
I like the new layout - very clean