Tuesday, February 27, 2007

New Labour Is All That Stands Between Us And David Cameron

Oh as much as I complain about New Labour it's hard to not support them. With my beloved Lib Dems disappearing back into the political wilderness (Darn you Mark Oaten and Simon Hughes... *waggles fist in air*) they are all that stands between us and the evil one; David Cameron. I've met Tory political campaigners. They tend to be quite EVIL. I mean that in the nicest of ways but just look into their eyes and you'll see the flaming pits of Hell. Honestly. Try it. I dare you. Michael Howard wasn't the only one to have "something of the night" about him.

So it's nice to hear Tony Blair standing up to the Tories crazy plans to give tax incentives to keep fathers from leaving their families. You may be quite the illiberal one Mr Blair but sometimes I just wanna give you a hug.

Big Up Tall Pride!

Something was going on near Starbucks in Vauxhall today. 3 police vans and 2 police cars? JP suggested a bus ticket riot... I wonder...

Pay Day tomorrow... praise the Lord! I am now earning double what I was earning at Eurotunnel back in 2002. Let's see if I can double it again by 2012.

All the things I could do with Charles Dera...

Technorati Tags: Tony Blair

1 comment:

  1. The flaming pits of hell, huh? Stick marshmallows in their eye sockets and see if they fry. It'll be way more fun than the whole campfire thing
