Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Never Did Me Any Harm

Oh God. Channel 4. What are you thinking?? This show is just terrifying as we watch useless parents attempt to make up for previous failings by copying what they parents did! Now their parents are the ones who created these useless parents so I don't think emulating them is the best course of action.

Todays edition had a family of 6. The parents and 4 sons. Joe, 16, was the campest camp boy in the world. The other three were equally unique. The way these parents spoke to Joe (and the others) was astonishing.

Now when I was 16 I was the man of the house (this being the period of Mum and Stepdads break), having sex and going down the pub (only for a couple... I wasn't some young drunken ruffian). Never did my Mum have to send me to my room. Never did she have to shout and scream at me. And I never spoke back to her. Oh I sulked. But we were a team, a family, and we worked together.

So I was astonished to see Joe acting like a 5 year old and his Mum treating him like one (which came first? The chicken or the egg?). Weird! Is that normal parent/child relations???

And did parents really dress their 16 year old boys themselves in the 1950s??????????

I don't think so. Crazy weird show.

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