Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Jaws II And Reese's Cups...

Why is it that I just love cheesy monster movies (Lake Placid 2 and Shark in Venice excluded... oh who am I kidding... Lake Placid 2 was worth it for the hilariously bad effects. Shark in Venice however is truly the worst movie ever made)?

Jaws II. I love that movie, and I'm watching it as I type (something which always drives Jim crazy... he thinks I can't multi task!). But I've found the movie is even more greatly enhanced when munching on some Reese's Cups Jim's American colleagues have brought over for him me. I'm not talking about those big ones that are available all over the place now. I'm talking about the miniature ones which I love to eat in a typically weirdo Jae fashion (bite the bottom off then savour the thick chocolate top). Mmm..

Work work work. Yesterday I learnt I was officially the best person stats wise in my department. Mwhahahahahaha. But still work is soooo last year and I really, really just want to live the life of a pampered British country gentlemen. *crosses fingers for explosion of Google Ads clicks on other blogs soon*

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