Here's something interesting: a few weeks ago I was standing on an underground platform, listening to my iPod when I saw a post advertising "Philosophy" course. It was only £70 odd pound a week and I thought it might be interesting but after a quick look on the net I lost interest in the idea... too much effort. Well I'm glad I did now!
The courses are run by the "School of Economic Science" who, according to some, have very cult like tendencies.
It's amazing what you can learn on t'internet.
In sad, and somewhat related news, Shawn Lonsdale has been found dead. Mr Lonsdale is a well known critic of Scientology and I first saw him during the Panorama documentary "Scientology and Me" where he was attacked by Anne Archers son Tommy Davis because of his sexuality and related sexual offenses (soliciting sex with adult men... hey that used to be a hobby of mine!) in order to make him out to be an unreliable source for the documentary. Of course he is better known in the anti-Scientology community for his Cult Watch videos and for the physical attack he experienced at the hands of a Scientologist.
May he rest in peace.
OK... honestly... I'll get bored of the whole Scientology thing once I've finished the book I'm reading (Jon Atack's A Piece of Blue Sky). It's absorbing reading, but I can never last on just the one obsession for very long and I'm sure by the end of the month I'll be on to my next fad.
Well as long as your next fad does not consist of joining Scientology, or soliciting sex with adult women I see no problems ;)