Monday, June 18, 2012

Happy Birthday To Me!

10 years ago this blog recorded my 19th birthday here and here. Life has changed a lot since and now I'm 29 (or, as I prefer, 19 plus 10). Marriage to the most awesome man in the world (no, no not Charles Dera) is, hopefully, not too long away, I've got a dog and a bearded dragon and I live in Folkestone. Ok so that did change but then changed back again... that's how long it's been!

So what happened yesterday? Jim, Ayden and I met up with Mum, Stuart, Nat and Finn and went for a walk down to the old Rotunda, along the beach and had a drink in the Mermaid Cafe. On the way home Mum gave me some money for my birthday and some... gypsy tarts! Mmm... I love gypsy tarts.

Today has been a bit blah. It started out with a nice surprise, bumping into Zoe half way to work and getting a lift there with her. It's always good to see Zoe! But work itself was so awful that it drove me to using the C-word about customers and that is just not like me at all. Slightly appeased however by getting home to Jim having cooked me a Thai green chicken curry, served with a Singha beer and a chocolate cake for afters. Along with plenty of other chocolate my food haul has been particularly epic!

One more year, Dear Constant Reader, and then I'm 30. Yes. 30. Let's make this year epic.

If you feel benevolent and particularly generous, this writer always appreciates things bought for him from his wishlist

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