Friday, August 18, 2006

Shadow People

You are going to think I'm insane. Bear with me, I just want to get this down for any future me that might forget.

Yesterday at lunch the conversation turned to spooky happenings and I told my scary story. This started me wondering again about the mysterious Shadow People and so I went off on a mad trip around the net through many scary and downright weird sites looking for info. All sorts of the same old rubbish.

Yet something freaked me out on one of them. It had an article about two hooded shadows. What was freaky was... I've seen them. When I was a child I thought they were two witches. I'd often see them running past a window, or just catch them running down a hill outside, or along the overgrown abandoned road next to our house. I'd see them for a good few seconds, it was a fleeting but certain sighting on many occasions over a number of years. I'd always thought they were figments of my imagination. They were fairly short, like children. I never saw them looking at me (they tended to have their backs to me as they fled), so I couldn't see their eyes and so I never really connected them up with the Shadow Man. But freaky! Scares me SILLY. I hope I sleep tonight.

Today was a good day at work. We had a new starter. This usually makes me happy as it means I get to train them up and not do any real work. But he was so funny and intelligent that by the end of the day, sitting in the Riverside Pub in Vauxhall, I was smarting from laughing so hard.

And an email was sent to me with the following picture... it made my day ;op

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