Friday, June 09, 2006

From One Great Country...

God Lord. It must be summer again. It's sunny, I'm having lunches in the park, BBQs are planned, Three Lions is on the radio, St Georges flags are flying from cars (this is akin to a sign saying "Bad Driver, Keep Clear"), and there's a lot of talk about a footballer (summer news is always dull... silly season? I think not, more snooze season).

Being the Brit I am, I'll never understand all the fuss about the footie. It's a really nationalistic sport, and I'm a British patriot... not an English nationalist. But each to their own I suppose. I just wish they wouldn't fly those hideous flags all the time. Get your Union Jacks out!

It's King Bhumibol Adulyadej's Diamond Jubilee today. The Japanese emperor will be there. Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands shall be stopping by. Who does Britain send? Prince Andrew. We could of at least have made a little effort. He is the longest serving Monarch in the world after all.

Hasn't the World Cup come round quickly this time? One minute it was a distant boring prospect in the far distance. The next we have Alastair Campbell acting as if anyone other than some political commentators will care about his views on the games.

Welcome to summer...

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